
MAUI Software

Measurements from Arterial Ultrasound Imaging (or MAUI for short) is a research tool we created in order to measure the intima-to-intima, the intima-media thickness (IMT), and velocity from ultrasound images and videos.  Currently our users are using MAUI to track common carotid arteries (CCA), internal carotid arteries, brachial arteries, and popliteal arteries.  MAUI also outputs the blood flow, which is calculated from the diameter of the vessel and the velocity of the blood.

We offer MAUI on a monthly or annual subscription basis, which means you can download MAUI onto any of your computers, login and work from anywhere.  Whether you are at your research lab, home, or a coffee shop, you can process your artery ultrasound data with ease.  Furthermore, this subscription model allows you to receive automatic updates to all of your computers which ensures all members of your team are using the latest software.

A sample output video of MAUI can be seen as follows:

The tracking data for each frame is output to a CSV file which you can open in Excel for viewing.  This data can be plotted to observe the behavior of the top IMT, bottom IMT as well as the lumen diameter.


If you want to try MAUI for free, please login about and create an account.